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The League Update

January 26, 2023

Women protesting in front of the Colorado state Capitol.


Our Nation

2023 has been off to a speedy start, with February just days away! February is home to Black History Month, a time to reflect and celebrate Black history, as well as uplift the contributions of Black activists who power our democracy. I want to be clear: Black history is American history, and it should be encompassed in every aspect of our lives as we continue to build a League that is representative of an inclusive democracy. I encourage Leagues to share in educating their communities and themselves as we celebrate and honor the ongoing contributions of Black Americans this February. Leagues interested in sharing resources for Black History Month can find our blogs, graphics, webinars, and more on the League Management Site.

Our League

It's hard to believe that we are less than one month away from celebrating our 103rd birthday! On February 14, we’ll honor our legacy through a “People Powered League” Day of Action. Through action, advocacy, storytelling, and more, Leagues throughout our country will commemorate our history and uplift the work they are doing in their communities. Thank you to the Leagues who have already shared their events with us — I cannot wait to celebrate with you all! If your League is planning an event for our birthday, I strongly encourage you to register your activity and refer to our birthday toolkit for pre-made graphics, organizing tips, and more.

And don't forget; I’ll be joining fellow League leaders and our CEO, Virginia Kase SolomÓn, for a virtual birthday pep rally! I hope to see you there.

In other League news, I want to remind you to make the appropriate updates to reflect active membership in the Roster Manager Portal by Tuesday, January 31. More information on how to update your League roster can be found in the business section of this newsletter. For any questions or login issues, please reach out to rostersupport@lwv.org.

Thank you for all that you do.

Working with you and for you every day.

In League,



Webinars and Virtual Meetings



Feb. 7, 7pm ET

VOTE411 Office Hours

Join VOTE411 staff to learn about the VOTE411 website and how you can participate in the voter guide program. Webinars are every other Tuesday at 7pm ET. Find the full schedule on the League Management Site.



Feb. 14, 11am ET

LWV "People Powered League" Birthday Pep Rally

Join president Dr. Deborah Turner, LWVUS CEO Virginia Kase SolomÓn, and your fellow Leagues for a “People Powered League” pep rally. The rally will be livestreamed on our Facebook page.



Feb. 16, 3pm ET

Life of an Issue: Strategic Advocacy and Organizing

Join LWVUS's advocacy and organizing teams and learn about the resources to support you in moving an issue strategically.



Feb. 22, 3pm ET

Impact on Issues: 2022–2024

LWVUS will share a new, updated Impact on Issues document which includes the updates made at the 2022 Convention.



Feb. 23, 3pm ET

Legislative Office Hours

Opportunity for Leagues and League members to address advocacy, legislative, or policy issues directly with a member of the LWVUS staff.



Feb. 23, 5pm ET

OutreachCircle Admin Workshop: State Legislative Action Alerts

Join the LWVUS organizing team to learn and practice creating powerful action alerts for your state or local OutreachCircle account.


See the full list of upcoming events on the League Management Site.


Feb. 14 LWV 103rd Birthday | "People Powered League" Day of Action


Celebrate the League’s 103rd birthday with us on Feb. 14 with a national day of action! Through storytelling, digital actions, local events, and advocacy, we will flex the breadth of our League people power and advance our priorities. We will have a marquee event with featured speakers livestreamed on our Facebook page at 11am ET on the day of the event. 

Whether you utilize our relational organizing tools, plan an event in your community, or share your story, there are a variety of ways for Leagues to get involved, take action, and celebrate with us. Register your event here. Leagues can find resources, including event templates, for this day of action in our toolkit.

Feedback for Proportional Voting Event


LWVUS staff will be attending a policy conference at the Harvard Kennedy School on alternative voting methods, proportional voting, ranked-choice voting, and other methods of selecting leaders. We’re interested in feedback or progress Leagues have made with adopting or administering elections using these systems. Please send your thoughts, experiences, or accomplishments to Adam Ambrogi (aambrogi@lwv.org) by Feb. 6.

Survey: League Experience with Litigation Partners


The LWVUS litigation team needs your help! If you are a League leader, please fill out this short survey on your experience working with legal partners on state and federal litigation over the last few years. This survey will help LWVUS support your League in future litigation. Please reach out to Caren Short (cshort@lwv.org) with any questions.

Sign Up for VOTE411 in 2023!


The 2023 election cycle has already begun, and Leagues across the country are providing voters with the candidate information they need through VOTE411.org. Join your colleagues in the VOTE411 voter guide program and reach voters in your community.

Millions of voters rely on the candidate information on VOTE411, and the voter guide program is key to the Leagues’ mission of empowering voters and defending democracy. Signing up is easy — interested Leagues can fill out this form, and VOTE411 staff will follow up with more information. For questions about the voter guide program or VOTE411 in general, please contact VOTE411help@lwv.org.  


Black History Month Resources


February is home to Black History Month, a time to reflect and celebrate Black history, as well as uplift the contributions of Black activists who power our democracy. Leagues looking to celebrate with us can find blogs, webinars, and graphics to share throughout the month of February on the League Management Site.

Annual League Survey Update


Thank you to the 586 Leagues who completed the Annual League Survey. We received an impressive 77% response rate, an increase compared to previous years. Thank you to everyone who took the time to not only respond to the survey but also to track their information. 

The LWVUS evaluation team has reached out to the 10 randomly selected winners of the raffle. We are currently creating the state-level factsheets and will be sharing them as soon as they’re available. State League Leaders will also receive the raw survey data from Leagues in their state. Stay tuned for more updates! 


Update League Roster by Jan. 31


All League roster updates are due in the Roster Manager Portal by Jan. 31. To ensure your roster is up to date, any members considered active on Jan. 31 must have a membership status of "Active." Members not active as of Jan. 31 should have a membership status of "Inactive."  

The support section of the Roster Manager Portal offers answers to common questions and is the best place to submit support requests. If you are unable to log in to the portal, please contact rostersupport@lwv.org

If your League is using the ClubExpress platform and the data connector is active, your members have been automatically transferred. Please review your roster to ensure that any member who was active before you enabled the data connector is accounted for. 

Reminder: Jan. 31 Freeze Date, PMP System Still in Effect for 2023


At Convention 2022, delegates voted to eliminate the per-member-payment (PMP) system in the future. Please note that the current PMP system is still in effect for 2023, and League Rosters will freeze on January 31, 2023.

With the provisos in the LWVUS bylaws, the changes adopted at Convention do not go into effect until the national board votes to put them into effect. Per the provisos, the LWVUS board will set a date once the new membership system is in place and no sooner than 2024. Until then, the current LWVUS bylaws remain in force. Once the national board has voted on a date, it will notify state and local Leagues of the effective date of the bylaws amendments that were passed with provisos. At that time, LWVUS will also provide state and local Leagues with guidance on how to transition from the PMP system to the new membership system and on how to conform their bylaws to LWVUS’ bylaws. 

For questions about the 2023 – 24 PMP process, please contact membership@lwv.org. For periodic updates on this and other elements of the Structure Transformation Plan, please visit the League Management Site

Welcome! New Local Leagues


We are excited to announce the recognition of the following new local Leagues: 

  • LWV of Livingston County (MI)
  • LWV of Grayslake, Round Lakes, and Waukegan (IL)
  • LWV of Williamson County (TX) 

Letters & Memos


League in the News



League Leaders

Special Notifications: To help keep members informed, LWVUS sends this bi-weekly, internal email newsletter to state and local League presidents, as well as other highly engaged League members. The League Update includes important announcements about upcoming trainings and webinars, grant opportunities, messaging resources, stories from Leagues nationwide, and surveys to help LWVUS serve Leagues better. This newsletter is curated for League members specifically and is not intended for public consumption or distribution. 

Do you know a League member who wants to receive this email? Members can subscribe to receive the League Update here. Please do not reply to this message. To unsubscribe, please click the “unsubscribe” button at the bottom of this email. 

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