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The League Update

July 11, 2024

Woman standing in from of a step and repeat with the red and blue


Our League

Just weeks ago, we came together both in person in Washington, DC, and online for our 56th Biennial National Convention, where I was honored to be elected your national board president for the next two years. Like so many of you, I am deeply committed to our mission of empowering voters and defending democracy, and I cannot wait to continue this work as your president! 

In my Convention remarks to delegates on Sunday, I spoke about my vision for the next two years and the power of women to create a more perfect democracy. Amid a busy election season, our nation is facing existential threats to democracy. As we honor and reflect on our 104-year-old legacy as a trusted, nonpartisan voice that values grassroots action, we cannot face modern challenges without building a League that is bigger, bolder, and more powerful. 

Over 1,200 members from all 50 states, DC, and the Virgin Islands joined us for Convention this past June. We kicked off our new biennium with powerful remarks from our incoming CEO, Celina Stewart. In addition to impressive workshops and caucuses, attendees also heard inspiring words from our keynote speaker, Kim Teehee, the Cherokee Nation’s delegate to Congress. 

This is just a snapshot of our highlights from Convention: you can find our full debrief, including a day-by-day recap, on the League Management Site

Our Nation

Since 2020, the League has partnered with Power the Polls to recruit election workers. As we continue to gear up for November, I’m excited to share that LWV is continuing this partnership: our democracy depends on election workers to ensure that all voters can make their voices heard. I hope you will join us this year on Thursday, August 1, for National Poll Worker Recruitment Day! Leagues can find more information about participating in this day of action, as well as access social media tools and our unique registration link with our toolkit. I know from personal experience that serving as a poll worker is both important and fulfilling work.

In League,

Signature for LWVUS board president, Dianna Wynn


Webinars and Virtual Meetings



July 15, 3:30pm ET

Weekly Election Rumors Briefing

Review growing national and local trends in mis- and disinformation and tools to help your League track and address it.



July 16, 3pm ET

Engaging Voters With Civic Holidays

Learn about how your League can leverage all the civic holidays between now and Election Day to ensure all voters have their voices heard.



July 17, 4pm ET

Framing the Future Office Hours

Opportunity for League members to ask questions about the current phase of our Transformation Journey, Framing the Future.



July 18, 4pm ET

Data Collection Office Hours

Opportunity for Leagues to ask questions, get input, or discuss general data needs. 



July 18, 7pm ET

Litigation Office Hours

Raise questions about voter suppression, election issues, or legal advocacy with LWVUS litigation staff. 



July 22, 3:30pm ET

Weekly Election Rumors Briefings

Review growing national and local trends in mis- and disinformation and tools to help your League track and address it.



July 25, 3pm ET

Legislative Office Hours

Opportunity for Leagues and League members to address advocacy, legislative, or policy issues with LWVUS staff.



July 25, 3pm ET

Local Voter Engagement: A Conversation with ABA and the League of Women Voters

Learn more about the League’s partnership with the American Booksellers Association (ABA) and how to work with local booksellers to increase voter engagement.


See all upcoming events on the League Management Site.


Upcoming Partner Actions


There are many opportunities to radically show up at rallies with partners on important democracy issues this summer! Reach out to organizing@lwv.org with any questions or to strategize. 

Join us as an LWV League In Action supporter to take powerful and impactful digital actions on each of these community opportunities. 

Recruit Your Community for Poll Worker Recruitment Day on Aug. 1!


On August 1, 2024, join LWV, Power the Polls, and hundreds of partners for National Poll Worker Recruitment Day! Our democracy depends on poll workers to ensure safe, free, and fair elections for all voters. Find recruitment tools, including sample graphics and social media captions, in our toolkit.

Federal Judiciary Study Interest Form


The 2024 Convention delegates approved a national study on the federal judiciary. The study committee interest form is for League members interested in participating in or supporting the study committee. The deadline to express interest and complete the form is July 31, 2024, at 9pm ET. Please note that a separate application form will be sent to candidates for additional information. If you have questions about the interest form or study, please email progplan@lwv.org.

Sign Up for National Voter Registration Day 2024


Over 250 Leagues have already signed up for National Voter Registration Day, which falls this year on Sept. 17. The League has been the largest on-the-ground partner since the inception of NVRD: let’s keep that trend going! Sign up today using LWV’s specific link and begin planning this year’s activities to register voters and take part in this huge annual celebration! By signing up to be a partner, you will receive free stickers and posters, training materials and more.

Join the Civic Listening Corps


The Civic Listening Corps (CLC) is a volunteer network of individuals trained to monitor, critically evaluate, and report misinformation on topics central to our civic life. By participating in CLC, volunteers learn how to identify misinformation and empower organizations with tools to combat it. Sign-up using LWV’s specific link and join a network dedicated to civic responsibility for understanding and identifying harmful and misleading messages.


Catch Up on All Things Convention!


Our 2024 National Convention wasn’t ALL about business! Attendees can find a comprehensive daily recap of Convention on the League Management Site. Check out some of the highlights, including: 

NEW: The Do's and Don'ts of Election Disinformation One-Pager


Are you interested in combating mis- and disinformation? Do you want to learn best practices on sharing accurate information about elections? Download our new one-pager on the do’s and don’ts of election disinformation! We encourage all Leagues to use this one-pager as a resource in their voter education work!

NEW: National Partnership with Girl Scouts USA


LWV is excited to announce our new national partnership with Girl Scouts USA! We are working with Girl Scouts on a refresh of their “Promote the Vote” national service project that will incorporate VOTE411.org as its primary voter education tool. We’ll also provide collaboration guidance for local councils, troops and volunteers looking to work with Leagues. Look out for our public announcement and guidance for Leagues in the coming weeks. We know that many local Leagues already partner with Girl Scouts troops. If you have a local partnership, we’d love to learn more about it in this short survey

2024 Annual League Survey Tools


How is your 2024 data looking? The 2024 Annual League Survey will be distributed in January 2025, and we encourage Leagues to check in now on how data collection is going! The Annual League Survey page on the League Management Site contains tools for collecting data, a link to office hours for questions, and the 2024 Annual League Survey PDF that outlines the content you will see on the survey.

LWV Business

REMINDER: Update Officer Roles in Roster Manager Portal


Be sure to update League leadership in the Roster Manager Portal. This ensures LWVUS has appropriate contact information for Leagues and that newly elected presidents receive the League Update. 


Letters & Memos


League in the News

Headshot of Claire Avalos, LWVUS communications intern


Claire Avalos
Meet Our Communications Intern


Headshot of Ian Mintz, LWVUS mission impact intern


Ian Mintz
Meet Our Mission Impact Intern


Headshot for Stefanie Galadean, LWVUS organizing intern


Stefanie Galadean
Meet Our Organizing Intern


Headshot of Margaret Ziccardi, LWVUS summer evaluation fellow


Margaret Ziccardi
Meet Our Summer Evaluation Fellow



League Leaders

Special Notifications: To help keep members informed, LWVUS sends this bi-weekly, internal email newsletter to state and local League presidents, as well as other highly engaged League members. The League Update includes important announcements about upcoming trainings and webinars, grant opportunities, messaging resources, stories from Leagues nationwide, and surveys to help LWVUS serve Leagues better. This newsletter is curated for League members specifically and is not intended for public consumption or distribution. 

Do you know a League member who wants to receive this email? Members can subscribe to receive the League Update here. Please do not reply to this message. To unsubscribe, please click the “unsubscribe” button at the bottom of this email. 

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League of Women Voters
1233 20th Street NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC, 20036
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